Melting moments cookies are a delightful little sugar cookie guaranteed to melt the heart of the lucky person you bake them for! Here’s the easy recipe.
Valentine’s Day is the Southern husband’s favorite holiday. By a country mile.
It probably has something to do with the fact that he is the most romantic guy on the face of the earth, and for him, a day that is all about love and romance and hearts and flowers plays right into how he is wired.
So when I first heard about a cookie with the name Melting Moments, I knew I had to make them for him, and I knew he would want me to share them with you in time for Valentine’s Day. Don’t they sound romantic? Romantic is his favorite.
Once I realized that a cookie named Melting Moments existed, the next step was to figure out how to make them. I knew they were a sweet and simple sugar cookie, but that’s pretty much all I knew.
And that’s where once again, one of my wonderful readers came to my rescue. Wonderful Karen was sweet enough to share her mom’s recipe. Karen’s mom Eva was a fabulous Southern cook originally from Texas, and she loved trying new recipes.
Melting moments cookies are a delightful little sugar cookie guaranteed to melt the heart of the lucky person you bake them for! Here's the easy recipe. Happily for me, one of those recipes was for Melting Moments, and while Karen shared this recipe with me around Christmas-time (and they would make a fabulous holiday cookie!), I’ve decided they are now my official Valentine’s Day Cookie.
Because after 22 years of being married to this guy, he still melts my heart.
With his romantic Southern drawl, and his beat-up cowboy boots. Because he gets up before me every single winter morning and turns on the bathroom heater so it is all toasty when I get in there.
Because he has a sixth sense about when I need a cup of tea or a glass of wine or a cookie. Because he has never complained One Single Time about having yet another lukewarm dinner because I needed to take one more picture of it.
Because he still makes my heart beat fast and my knees go weak. Because he makes me feel cherished and special every single day. Because of more than I could ever tell you.
Because of all that.
Oh, and because he didn’t mush any wedding cake into my face that day. (Although that might have been his self-preservation instinct kicking in.)
So the least I can do is make the guy some Melting Moments, with extra love on the side. And not to give him a hard time when he swipes one early.
Happy Valentine’s Day everyone, and may your day be full of melting moments of all kinds!
Melting Moments
Melting moments cookies are a delightful little sugar cookie guaranteed to melt the heart of the lucky person you bake them for! Here’s the easy recipe.
- Prep Time: 15 minutes
- Cook Time: 15 minutes
- Total Time: 30 minutes
- Yield: About 18 cookies 1x
- Category: Dessert
- Method: Oven
- Cuisine: American
- 1/2 cup cornstarch
- 1/2 cup powdered sugar, plus extra for sprinkling
- 1 cup sifted flour
- 3/4 cup butter, softened
- Stir cornstarch, powdered sugar and flour together with a whisk.
- Mix in butter until it forms a soft dough. Refrigerate for one hour.
- Preheat oven to 300. Roll dough into small balls and place 2 inches apart on cookie sheet.
- Press down slightly with a fork. Bake for 15-20 minutes until edges are lightly browned.
- Cool for 5 minutes, then remove to a rack. Shake powdered sugar over the top (I like to do this by putting the sugar in a small fine mesh strainer and shake-shake-shaking over the top of the cookies!).
- Immediately bring the first one to someone you love and give it to them with a kiss.
janet says
I loved the story you shared with readers about your husband. I hope you had a wonderful Valentine’s Day. Thanks for the recipe.
I hope you did too! And my pleasure. :)
Foodiewife says
What a beautiful tribute to your husband. I’m as crazy about mine, too. I smiled about the heater. My sweetie always preheats our bedroom area with a portable heater, so that I don’t get cold when I stumbled into the shower. That’s love. What better way to reciprocate that when we make them something they love. I love melting moments, and it’s been far too long since I’ve made them. Thank you for the reminder.
Aren’t we so lucky? Let’s go make them some more cookies! :)
Tracey says
Awwww, so sweet! Happy Valentines Day to you and the Southern Husband! These look delicious, and with only four ingredients I’m thinking breakfast!
Now THAT would be a sweet breakfast! :)
Lin says
Oh what a blessed girl you are to have such a romantic Southern guy! Yes, he could get rich if he could give lessons! Love the cookie recipe. Thank you for sharing your sweet story.
Yes, I definitely am blessed – he really is my knight in shining armor (and cowboy boots!). :)
Lynn in NC says
I wish I could upload a photo. I made these yummies this afternoon because my Northern husband (hee hee) LOVES Mexican Wedding cookies, which are a lot like these. We’ve been snowed in (mostly due to our sloping driveway and Charlotte, NC’s lack of snow equip) for a couple days. BUT THAT”S ANOTHER STORY, all better now, and we loved it! ANYWAY, so I made the cookies and dusted them with the powd sugar, left them on the island for hubs, and finally got out to the store. When I came back, our Gracie-dog, the mutt that lies on her back like your Dixie, greeted me a little too enthusiastically, I thought, at the kitchen door. She went to lie down VERY quickly and gazed up at me lovingly. HMMMM !!!! She had powdered sugar ALLL over her face and eyelashes, and there seemed to be some cookies missing!!!! Like 10. What can you do but laugh? Luckily, we still have some left for tonight with a little champagne. NONE FOR GRACIE. Love these cookies!!!!
OH MY GOSH! Guess it was Valentine’s Day for Gracie too! And yes…you just have to laugh! Hang in there with all that snow…we’re right there with you up here in NJ!
cathy dinino says
what a wonderful post..does your husband give lessons..AND… can’t wait to make these..sounds divine..LOVE..the suggestion to add citrus zst to this,excellent blog THANK YOU for all your hard work appreciate it! :O)
Ha! Maybe I should rent him out – although I would miss him, I think. Thank you for your sweet words. :)
Joanne says
I think I need to send my boy to talk to your boy…so he can teach my boy what V-Day plans should absolutely positively consist of. :P
These are definitely melt-in-your-mouth kind of cookies.
We definitely need to get those two together at some point – and us too! :)
Stephanie says
What a great tribute to your husband and the romance that still permeates your marriage. I am so incredibly jealous.
Thanks for a good cookie recipe too!
I’m so glad you like it! And I truly am so lucky…I should make him cookies every day!
Karen Nelson says
A very Happy Valentine’s Day to you and your precious Southern husband!
My Southern mom would be so proud and thrilled that she got such an honorable mention:-)
Brought tears to my eyes Kate…so with that I say… Thank you for weaving her recipe into your sweet love story. ❤️❤️
Happy Hearts Day Y’all !!
My friend Karen, thank you (and your mom) so much for this special recipe. Hugs to you.
Nancy Stern says
There are wonderful commercial cookies like these that I have tasted at Fancy Food show.
I think you can add very fine citrus zest ie: lemon, lime, orange and make sweet/ tart cookies.
Great mix-in idea – will have to try it!