Hi there! Nice to meet you and thanks for visiting my website! Here are a few things about me and my site.

1. I am a self-taught cook, a self-taught photographer and a self-taught dog mama. All of this stuff shows up pretty much in that order on the website. 🥰
2. I started this website as a photography project. The project was to shoot still life — something different every day for 2 weeks. I didn’t want to photograph still life. I like photographing dogs and babies and teenagers and other things that won’t sit still. I had no idea what on earth I would be able to think of to photograph still-life-wise that could be different every day. And then it dawned on me. Dinner.
3. I really do love to cook, and I really do cook every day…but the catch is, it has to be ready in 30 minutes or less, from walk in the kitchen to sitting on the table ready to be eaten. (Except for weekends when I am perfectly happy to spend all day in the kitchen.) So most of the recipes are pretty fast and fun.
4. Most of the recipes are ones I have written myself, but I sometimes pass along my version of great ones that I have found out there in the world, from the back of boxes to my grandma’s molasses cookie recipe. I link back to anything that I don’t totally make up myself so you guys can check out the original source.
5. I am married to the most romantic and funny Southern man on God’s Green Earth, and he also cleans up the kitchen. I am a lucky girl.
6. I shoot with a Nikon D800 and a 105mm lens. I can tell you more than you want to know about my adventures in lighting and Photoshop and other stuff – just email me!
7. Yes, I do photograph pretty much everything I cook.
8. My cast of supporting characters includes my dear Southern husband, our daughter and son-in-law and one rescue dog named Winnie. We live in a multigenerational home in North Carolina, and we love it!
9. I take requests, questions, comments, recommendations and anything else related to food, dogs and cameras. You can try me on other things too.
10. I usually put up new posts every Monday and Thursday. If you want to get these emailed to you, look for the Subscribe link at the top of this page. You can also subscribe right here. You can get every post as they come out, or in one weekly round-up. Yay!
11. Email me. I’ll write back. :)